Subdivision & Development Management
We provide an all inclusive service that delivers outstanding value and performance to our clients. From 2 lot residential subdivisions to larger 100+ lot developments; with careful consideration/integration due to fully developed receiving environments.
Our people undertake core disciplines with multiple specialists, all with hands on involvement by a senior professional, working together to compile Resource Consent for a seamless process from initial concept, design / construction to completion. For you the result is smarter, faster, and makes more sense.
The team are constantly refreshing their knowledge to stay on top of the ever-changing Council regulations and cost variables.
Our senior advisors are developers themselves which provides them with the unique ability to view projects from the clients aspect.
Excellence / Solutions
Subdivision, Resource Consent, Engineering (Civil, Structural, Geotechnical)
Infill Developments under the Auckland Unitary Plan
Land Use Consents
Residential, commercial and apartment projects
Multi Lot and Unit Title Developments
​Development feasibility investigation
Planning and development advice
Development cost analysis