Barry Satchell consultants has completed SiteWise's annual health and safety assessment and received the Sitewise green grade. SiteWise is brought to the industry by Site Safe NZ. A not-for-profit organisation, Site Safe is committed to creating a culture of safety in the New Zealand construction and related industries. As experts in both health and safety training and delivery, they work with businesses to raise the bar in health and safety performance. “We want everyone to go home healthy and safe at the end of each day” The assessment is evidence based against 12 key Health and Safety areas and undertaken by Site Safe’s qualified health and safety professionals By achieving the Sitewise green Grade, Barry Satchell Consultants has been certified as achieving the highest ranking of health and safety with an achievement of 75% and above. We have demonstrated that our company and our people have quality health and safety systems in place and are now listed as a green business in the Sitewise database as a prequalification tool
Sitewise Green
Updated: Apr 21, 2023